The Benefits Of Anti Slip For Stairs In Your Home

The Benefits Of Anti Slip For Stairs In Your Home

Have you ever wondered where most accidents occur in and around the home? The answer probably won’t surprise you: stairs are a very significant culprit! Of course, there is always a risk of falling over. You could quite conceivably have an unlucky spill anywhere in your house. However usually, the risk of serious injury is pretty low. But with stairs, your risk of injury is heightened. So what can you do? Well, stairs generally come with a rail or balustrade as standard.

In fact, building codes demand that you have a balustrade or handrail where a fall of one metre or more is present. Although while these help, the momentum of your fall is often too great to be broken by a handrail. But don’t worry, there’s another solution in anti slip for stairs, and we will explain to you exactly why it will be beneficial for your home!

Anti slip for stairs protects the most important part of your home: its occupants!

The primary benefit of anti slip for stairs is in the name! By preventing you from slipping, anti slip for stairs is making a real and significant contribution to your safety around the house. And when it comes to benefits, safety is right up there as one of the best! Of course, we can’t live our lives trying to avoid accidents altogether – they do happen. But when it comes to stairs, the stakes are much higher and so are you! Falling down the stairs can lead to catastrophic injuries. Broken bones, concussions and even worse are possible when you fall down the stairs.

So why not try and reduce the risk? Anti slip for stairs can make a tangible difference to the traction you get on your stairs. And, it even improves your traction when your stairs are wet. Handrails alone are not always enough to break a fall or balance you. But a handrail coupled with anti slip for stairs is a powerful combination. They say it’s the smallest things that can make the biggest difference, and what better cause than your safety and the safety of your loved ones?

Anti slip for stairs can also protect the surface of your stairs from deterioration

So we’ve covered the safety benefits of anti slip for stairs, but what else does it offer? Well, quite a few things actually. And one of the things you might not think of is protection for your stairs. You might need protection from your stairs, but funnily enough your stairs need protection from you too! Over time, constant foot traffic can wear away at the surface of your stairs. Even the toughest and most durable materials are not immune! Small particles of dust and grit gather on the surface of your floor almost invariably. Every time you step on them, they have an abrasive effect. So how do you stop it? Well, a little bit of wear and tear is to be expected – it is the floor after all! But adding anti slip for stairs will provide that little bit more protection from the nastier effects of foot traffic. So you can get protection for you and your stairs – it just doesn’t get much better than that!

You can easily replace anti slip for stairs if it is looking a little worse for wear

Of course, if your anti slip for stairs is taking the brunt of the foot traffic on your stairway, then it will probably feel the effects over time. What can you do about it? Well, there’s not much you can really do about general wear and tear. However, anti slip for stairs is not a solution that’s built in for life – you can simply replace it! And believe us, replacing your anti slip application is much cheaper than replacing the surface of your stairs! Simply keep an eye on it over time and when it starts to show its age, contact the flooring specialists. They will be there in no time with a brand new anti slip solution. Your stairs will look brand new again in no time and with little expense!

 Anti slip for stairs is great for homes with elderly occupants, small children

There you have it: anti slip for stairs is the solution you need. Or do you? Well, that’s a matter of perspective. Anti slip for stairs will add to the safety of any and every home with stairs – whether you want to capitalise on that is a matter for you. But some houses might need the added safety more than others. So consider whom you are sharing your home with. Are the elderly people in your home? If so, the added protection might give them a little extra peace of mind. By the same token, small children are rarely afraid to come tearing down the stairs at full speed! A little extra grip might make the difference between a nasty fall and a speedy entrance. So consider anti slip for your stairs – it could save you and your family from the peril of slippery stairs!

Do you need anti slip for stairs in your home? Contact the experts at Brisbanes Finest Floors today on 0411 220 488.



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